Djokovic parents defends him from criticism after he results positive for COVID-19

Top-positioned tennis player Novak Djokovic declared Tuesday he and his significant other tested positive for the coronavirus after he played in a progression of show matches he sorted out
in Serbia and Croatia with zero social separatings during the pandemic.
Bringing up issues about the undeniable return of tennis, including the U.S. Open got ready for August, Djokovic is the fourth player to catch COVID-19 in the wake of taking an interest in matches held in Belgrade and Zadar, Croatia.
The others were three-time Grand Slam semifinalist Grigor Dimitrov, Borna Coric and Viktor Troicki
We accepted the competition met all wellbeing conventions and the soundness of our area appeared in great condition to at long last join individuals for generous reasons," Djokovic said in social media Tuesday. "We weren't right and it was too early."
Novak Djokovic under criticism by media after coronavirus confirmation
As World Number one Novak Djokovic was tested positive for coronavirus because of facilitating Adria Tour, he got enough criticism from the tennis world over the occasion amid the pandemic.His occasion didn't follow the new standards of social distancing and sterile measures were not dealt with.
Tennis players flew from the various pieces of the world, and there was no trying conveyed during the occasion.
What's more, above all, a house brimming with a crowd of people was available in the arena, during the occasions when swarming of individuals is essentially restricted.
It came about in COVID-19 spread among tennis experts.
The spread of the infection among the tennis society has offered to ascend to a negative picture for Novak Djokovic.
Also, his mom Dijana Djokovic isn't content with how media is depicting her child at the present time. "It is horrible and unnerving what they compose, however, we are utilized to it. Maybe they could scarcely pause. They are clearly annoyed by Novak," Dijana told Blick.
Novak Djokovic isn't indicating any symptoms of the virus
She uncovered about Novak's wellbeing status. Luckily, he's not encountering any sort of side effects and he is staying in self-separation.Additionally his better half, Jelena found the infection during the occasion of Adria Tour.
"We as a whole vibe great, as do both of them. Because Novak is certainly doesn't mean he's wiped out," his mom included.
"He is a youthful and solid man, so it is simpler to hold up under. All things considered, I think this infection is reaching a conclusion, so these are only a portion of the "tails" of the crown that aren't as solid as they were toward the start. That is the reason they feel on a par with we do."
The remainder of his Adria Tour, which should make a beeline for Bosnia next, was canceled.
"Tragically, this infection is as yet present, and it is another reality that we are as yet figuring out how to adapt and live to.
I am trusting things will ease with time so we would all be able to continue to experience how they were," Djokovic said in an announcement discharged before. "I am very upset about every individual instance of disease. I trust that it won't muddle anybody's wellbeing circumstance and that everybody will be fine.
After Dimitrov said he tried positive throughout the end of the week, the last of the opposition in Croatia — in which Djokovic should play — was dropped.
Djokovic, who isn't indicating side effects of COVID-19, said he will stay in self-detachment for 14 days
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